웹페이지에 ActiveX control을 삽입할 때 이용하는 parameters들입니다. |
Parameter's Name |
Description |
AllowChangeDisplaySize |
화면의 크기 변경(전체화면, 축소, 확대 등)을 할 수 있도록 할 것인지, 크기 변경을 하지 못하게 할 것인지를 설정한다.
Possible Values
Value |
Description |
true |
기본값. 화면 크기 변경 가능 |
false |
화면 크기 변경 불가능 | |
AllowScan |
되감기(FastForward), 앞으로 감기(FastReverse)의 기능[Scanning]을 사용 할 것인지 말 것인지를 설정한다.
Possible Values
Value |
Description |
true |
기본값 Scanning 기능 사용 |
false |
Scanning 기능 사용 안함 | |
AnimationAtStart |
맨 처음 이미지가 디스플레이 되기 전에 animation을 실행할 것인지, 아닌지를 설정한다.
Possible Values
Value |
Description |
true |
기본값. 처음 이미지가 실행되기 전에 Animation을 실행한다. |
false |
처음 이미지가 실행되기 전에 Animation이 실행되지 않는다. |
이 값이 true로 설정되면 한 클립이 버퍼링되고 로딩되는 동안 짭은 animation이 실행된다. TransparentAtStart의 값이 true이면, AnimationAtStart의 설정값은 무시된다.
animation clip은 사용자가 변경할 수 없다. |
AudioStream |
한 클립에서 어떤 오디오 스트림을 사용할 것인지를 설정한다.
어떤 클립이 여러 오디오 스트림을 가지고 있을 때 사용할 수 있다. 예를 들어, 여러나라의 언어로 된 오디오 스트림을 갖고 있을 때 어느 언어로 들을 것인지를 설정할 수 있다. |
AutoRewind |
재생이 멈췄거나, 끝났을 때, 클립의 첫 부분으로 자동으로 되돌아 오게 할 것인지를 설정한다.
Possible Values
Value |
Description |
true |
기본값. 재생이 끝난 후 자동으로 처음으로 되돌아 옴. |
false |
재생이 끝난 후 자동으로 처음으로 되돌아 오지 않음 |
한 클립을 보다가 stop버튼을 눌렀을 때, 현재의 위치에 머물고 싶다면, 위의 설정값을 true로 하면된다.(pause버튼을 사용해도 됨.) |
AutoSize |
미디어파일을 디스플레이할 때 DisplaySize 파라메타값에 따라 디스플레이되는 크기가 자동으로 변경될 것인가를 설정함.
Possible Values
Value |
Description |
true |
디스플레이 크기 자동으로 변경 |
false |
width, height 파라메타값으로 재생 |
이 설정값이 true(1)이면, Windows Media Player control은 width, height 파라메타값이 대체된다. 비디오 클립이 로드될 때, control은 미디어 소스파일의 원래 크기를 DisplaySize p값에 따라 재생시킨다.
이 설정값이 false(0)이면, video display panel안에 비디오 이미지가 가운데에 위치한다. 비디오 이미지의 크기가 video display panel보다 작다면 Windows Media Player control은 비디오 이미지 주변을 video border를 추가한다. 비디오 이미지의 크기가 video display panel보다 크다면 Windows Media Player control은 비디오 이미지를 video display panel에 맞게 수축시킨다. Windows Media Player는 비디오 소스파일의 크기에 맞게 재생될 때, 가장 효과적으로 랜더링 될 수 있다. |
AutoStart |
자동으로 재생되게 할 것인지를 설정한다.
Possible Values
Value |
Description |
true |
기본값. 자동으로 재생됨. |
false |
Play 버튼이 눌러질 때까지 재생이 안됨. | |
Balance |
stereo balance를 설정한다.
Possible Values
from -10,000 to 10,000. (기본값 : 0)
-10,000이면 모든 소리가 왼쪽 스피커로 , 10,000이면 모든 소리가 오른쯕 스피커로 간다. |
Bandwidth |
현재 클립의 bandwidth(대역폭-bits per second)을 설정한다. |
BaseURL |
ScriptCommand에 의해 사용되는 기본 URL.을 설정한다. |
BufferingCount |
버프링을 몇 번이나 할 것인지 설정한다. |
BufferingProgress |
버프링을 몇 %나 할 것인지 설정한다. |
BufferingTime |
재생되기 전에 몇초 동안 버퍼링을 할 것인지 설정한다.
Possible Values
Windows Media content는 기본값이 5초. r video-on-demand (VOD) content 는 기본값이 3초. |
ButtonsAvailable |
사용할 버튼의 갯수를 설정한다. |
CanPreview |
미리 보기를 사용할 것인지를 설정한다. |
CanScan |
현재의 파일이 scanning(FastForward, FastReverse)을 지원할 것인지를 설정한다.
Windows Media content는 다음 조건을 모두 만족해야 scanning이 된다.
- The file is indexed.
- The file is playing from a Microsoft?? NetShow™ unicast server (not playing locally).
- The file is not being broadcast.
CanSeek |
현재 파일이 특정 시간대로 이동할 수 있는 지를 설정한다. |
CanSeekToMarkers |
특정 마커로 이동할 수 있게 할 것인지를 설정한다. |
CaptioningID |
설명(caption)을 디스플레이하는 프레임의 이름 |
CCActive |
closed captioning의 on or off를 설정한다..
Possible Values
Value |
Description |
true |
Closed captioning is on. |
false |
Default. Closed captioning is off. | |
ChannelDescription |
Microsoft?? Windows Media™ Station (.nsc) file에 기록된 Station information를 보여준다.
이 값은 Windows Media Player control이 웹 페이지에 삽입되었을 때 Netscape Navigator에서는 지원되지 않는다. |
ChannelName |
station name을 보여준다. |
ChannelURL |
the URL of the station metafile. |
ClickToPlay |
비디오 이미지를 클릭함으로써 재생, 멈춤을 할 수 있을 것인지를 설정한다.
Possible Values
Value |
Description |
true |
기본값. 비디오 이미지를 클릭함으로써 재생, 멈춤을 할 수 있음 |
false |
비디오 이미지를 클릭해도 재생, 멈춤을 할 수 없음 | |
CodecCount |
현재 클립이 사용하는 codec의 수 |
ColorKey |
DVD 재생에 사용되는 color key |
ConnectionSpeed |
Windows Media Player가 실행되는 동안 사용할 bandwidth
Possible Values
Value |
Description |
14400 |
14.4K Modem |
19200 |
19.2K Connection |
28800 |
28.8K Modem |
57600 |
56K Modem/ISDN |
115200 |
112K Dual ISDN |
1544000 |
T1/LAN | |
CreationDate |
클립이 만들어 진 날짜. |
CursorType |
커서의 모양을 설정
Name |
Value |
Description |
32650 |
Standard arrow and small hourglass |
32512 |
Standard arrow |
32515 |
Crosshair |
32513 |
Text I-beam |
32648 |
Slashed circle |
32646 |
Four-pointed arrow |
32643 |
Double-pointed arrow pointing northeast and southwest |
32645 |
Double-pointed arrow pointing north and south |
32642 |
Double-pointed arrow pointing northwest and southeast |
32644 |
Double-pointed arrow pointing west and east |
32516 |
Vertical arrow |
32514 |
Hourglass |
1 |
Hand with pointing index finger |
초기 설정값은 0이며, 파일이 로드되어 있지 않으면 hand with a pointing index finger. 파일이 로드되어 있다면 standard arrow
ClickToPlay값이 true라면, 비디오 이미지 위에 커서가 화살표는 손모양으로 변하여 사용자는 클릭을 하여 멈춤, 재생을 할 수 있다.
full-screen mode에서 CursorType의 설정값을 사용할 수 없다. |
DisplayBackColor |
display panel의 배경색 |
DisplayForeColor |
display panel의 전경색 |
DisplayMode |
status bar안에서 current position이 초(seconds)로 나타날 지 프레임(frames)으로 나타날 지 설정
Possible Values
Value |
Description |
0 |
Default. seconds. |
1 |
frames. |
이 값은 Windows Media Player control이 삽입된 웹페이지를 Netscape Navigator으로 볼 때는 지원되지 않는다. |
DisplaySize |
비디오 이미지 디스플레이 창의 크기를 설정
Possible Values
Value |
Visual Basic constant |
Description |
0 |
mpDefaultSize |
소스 크기로 |
1 |
mpHalfSize |
비디오의 가로와 세로가 원래 크기의 반으로, 결과적으로 원래 크기의 25% |
2 |
mpDoubleSize |
원래 크기의 두배 |
3 |
mpFullScreen |
전체 화면 |
4 |
mpFitToSize |
웹디자인 시 설정된 크기로 |
5 |
mpOneSixteenthScreen |
스크린의 16분의 1 |
6 |
mpOneFourthScreen |
스크린의 4분의 1 |
7 |
mpOneHalfScreen |
스크린의 2분의 1 | |
Duration |
비디오 클립의 길이 |
EnableContextMenu |
사용자가 마우스의 오른쪽 버튼을 클릭할 때 context menu(단축 메뉴)가 나타날 지를 설정한다.
Possible Values
Value |
Description |
true |
Default. context menu 사용 |
false |
context menu 사용 불가능 | |
Enabled |
Windows Media Player control의 사용 가, 불가 설정
Possible Values
Value |
Description |
true |
Default. Windows Media Player control의 사용가능 |
false |
Windows Media Player control의 사용 불 가능 | |
EnableFullScreenControls |
This property specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether Windows Media Player displays controls in full-screen mode.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Boolean containing one of the following values.
Value |
Description |
true |
Default. Full-screen controls are enabled. |
false |
Full-screen controls are disabled. |
When the value of this property is true, Windows Media Player displays the control bar at the bottom of the screen when Windows Media Player expands to full-screen mode. The control bar disappears after a few moments; however, it is redisplayed if the user positions the cursor at the bottom of the screen. |
EnablePositionControls |
This property specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether the position controls are enabled on the control bar.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Boolean containing one of the following values.
Value |
Description |
true |
Default. Position controls are enabled. |
false |
Position controls are disabled. |
Position controls include the following:
Skip Ahead
Skip Back
Fast Forward
Fast Reverse
Preview Mode |
EnableTracker |
This property specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether the trackbar control is enabled.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Boolean containing one of the following values.
Value |
Description |
true |
Default. The trackbar control is enabled. |
false |
The trackbar control is disabled. |
The Windows Media Player control displays the trackbar only when the ShowControls and ShowTracker properties are both true. |
EntryCount |
This property retrieves the number of entries contained in the current Windows Media metafile.
Possible Values
This property is a read-only Integer indicating the number of ENTRY elements in the current Windows Media metafile.
Note This scripting property is only available for Windows Media Player version 6.01 and later. The standard installation of Microsoft?? Internet Explorer 5 includes a compatible version of Windows Media Player. |
FileName |
This property specifies or retrieves the name of the clip to play.
If the value of the AutoStart property is true, file playback begins automatically whenever you set the FileName property. If you set both AutoStart and FileName at design time, the Windows Media Player control begins playing the file when it is loaded.
Setting this property is a synchronous operation; control does not return to the application until after the file has completed the open process. The Open method performs the same operation asynchronously.
To use compact disc audio with your CD-ROM drive as input to the Windows Media Player control, set this property to cdaudio: (with the trailing ":"). For more information, see Compact Disc Audio Playback.
To use digital video disc (DVD) as input, set this property to dvd: (with the trailing ":"). For more information, see Viewing DVD in a Web Page.
See Also |
ImageSourceHeight |
This property retrieves the original image height of the current clip, in pixels.
If the FileName property is not set, this property returns zero. |
ImageSourceWidth |
This property retrieves the original image width of the current clip, in pixels.
If the FileName property is not set, this property returns zero. |
Mute |
This property specifies or retrieves the current mute state of the Windows Media Player control.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Boolean containing one of the following values.
Value |
Description |
true |
Volume is muted. |
false |
Default. Volume is not muted. |
PlayCount |
This property specifies or retrieves the number of times a clip plays.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Long with a default value of 1.
If the value of this property is zero, the clip plays repeatedly, restarting as soon as it reaches the end. |
PreviewMode |
This property specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether Windows Media Player is in preview mode.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Boolean containing one of the following values.
Value |
Description |
true |
Windows Media Player is in preview mode. |
false |
Default. Windows Media Player is not in preview mode. |
In preview mode, the Windows Media Player control plays a short preview of each title in a playlist. You can only set this property to true if the value of the CanPreview property is also true. |
Rate |
This property specifies or retrieves the playback rate of the clip.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Double with a default value of 1.0.
This property acts as a multiplier value that allows you to play the clip at a faster or slower rate. The default value of 1.0 indicates the authored speed. Note that the audio track becomes difficult to understand at rates lower than 0.5 or higher than 1.5. A playback rate of 2 equates to twice the normal playback speed.
Other considerations apply as well, depending on media type:
Windows Media and video on demand (VOD): Optimal values for this property are from 1 to 10 or from ?1 to ?10. Values with an absolute magnitude greater than 10 are allowed, but not very meaningful. Audio plays only when the value is 1. A Windows Media or VOD file must be stopped and the AllowScan property must be true before you can set the Rate property. Negative values for this property indicate reversed playback. Video on demand (VOD) and Windows Media files both support the Rate property; however, Windows Media content can use the Rate property only if the following conditions are all true:
- The file is indexed.
- The file is playing from a Microsoft?? NetShow™ unicast server (not playing locally).
- The file is not being broadcast.
Other Media Types: This property can range from 0 to 9. Negative values are not allowed. Values less than 1 represent slow motion. Values above 9 are allowed, but not very meaningful. |
ReceptionQuality |
This property retrieves the percentage of packets received in the last 30 seconds.
Every second, the Windows Media Player control monitors the number of packets received, lost, and recovered during streaming. The value of this property represents the percentage of packets not lost over the past 30 seconds.
Each time file playback stops and restarts, this property resets to zero. It does not reset if file playback is paused.
This property returns valid information only during run time and only if the FileName property is set. |
SAMIFileName |
This property specifies or retrieves the name of the file that contains the closed captioning information.
The Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange (SAMI) file must use an .smi or .sami file extension.
SAMILang |
This property specifies or retrieves a value indicating the language displayed for closed captioning.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write String. If no language is specified, the default behavior is for closed captioning to display the first language defined in the Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange (SAMI) file.
This property supports only English when the Windows Media Player control is embedded in a Web page viewed with Netscape Navigator.
A SAMI file can contain text for one or many languages. The languages available for closed captioning are defined between the <STYLE> and </STYLE> tags in the SAMI file. A language can be specified by any unique alphanumeric string that is preceded by a period. For example, .ENUSCC could be used to define US English. |
SAMIStyle |
This property specifies or retrieves a value representing the closed captioning style.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write String. If no style is specified, the default behavior is for closed captioning to use the first style defined in the Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange (SAMI) file.
This property is not supported in Netscape Navigator when the Windows Media Player control is embedded in a Web page.
A SAMI file can contain several format style definitions. SAMI styles are defined between the <STYLE> and </STYLE> tags in the SAMI file. A style can be defined by any text string preceded by a pound sign (#). For example, #BigFont can be used to specify that closed captioning should display in a larger font size. |
ShowAudioControls |
This property specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether the audio controls appear on the control bar.
Syntax MediaPlayer .ShowAudioControls
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Boolean containing one of the following values.
Value |
Description |
true |
Default. Audio controls appear on the control bar. |
false |
Audio controls do not appear on the control bar. |
Audio controls consist of a volume slider bar and a speaker icon that acts as a mute button. This property specifies whether the audio controls appear on the control bar. The control bar itself is displayed or hidden by setting the ShowControls property. This property can affect the overall width of Windows Media Player. In some cases, the width of the control bar defines the overall width of Windows Media Player. Adding audio controls increases the width of the control bar. |
ShowCaptioning |
This property specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether the closed caption area is visible and closed captioning is enabled.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Boolean containing one of the following values.
Value |
Description |
true |
The closed caption area is visible and closed captioning is enabled. |
false |
Default. The closed caption area is not visible and closed captioning is disabled. |
If the clip has been captioned, a CC icon appears in the status bar. |
ShowControls |
This property specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether the control bar is visible.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Boolean containing one of the following values.
Value |
Description |
true |
Default. The control bar is visible. |
false |
The control bar is not visible. |
The control bar contains buttons for starting, stopping, and pausing playback. Optionally, you can add or remove position controls, audio controls, and the trackbar by setting the ShowPositionControls, ShowAudioControls, and ShowTracker properties, respectively.
This property can affect the overall width of Windows Media Player. In some cases the width of the control bar defines the overall width of Windows Media Player. Adding position and audio controls increases the width of the control bar. |
ShowDisplay |
This property specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether the display panel is visible.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Boolean containing one of the following values.
Value |
Description |
true |
The display panel is visible. |
false |
Default. The display panel is not visible. | |
ShowGotoBar |
This property specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether the Go To bar is visible.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Boolean containing one of the following values.
Value |
Description |
true |
The Go To bar is visible. |
false |
Default. The Go To bar is not visible. |
The Go To bar provides a list of markers in the clip being played. The user can seek to any marker by clicking on the list. |
ShowPositionControls |
This property specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether the position controls appear on the control bar.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Boolean containing one of the following values.
Value |
Description |
true |
Default. The position controls appear on the control bar. |
false |
The position controls do not appear on the control bar. |
The position controls consist of five buttons:
- Skip Back: Jumps to the previous clip in the playlist.
- Rewind: Scans rapidly backward through the current clip.
- Fast Forward: Scans rapidly forward through the current clip.
- Skip Forward: Jumps to the next clip in the playlist.
- Preview: Plays a preview of each clip in the playlist.
This property specifies whether the position controls appear on the control bar. The control bar itself is displayed or hidden by setting the ShowControls property.
This property can affect the overall width of Windows Media Player. In some cases the width of the control bar defines the overall width of Windows Media Player. Adding position controls increases the width of the control bar.
Important This property specifies the visibility of the position controls. The EnablePositionControls property determines whether the position controls are active or disabled. |
ShowStatusBar |
This property specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether the status bar is visible.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Boolean containing one of the following values.
Value |
Description |
true |
The status bar is visible. |
false |
Default. The status bar is not visible. |
The status bar displays status messages, including errors, and the elapsed play time and duration of the presentation. |
ShowTracker |
This property specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether the trackbar is visible.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Boolean containing one of the following values.
Value |
Description |
true |
Default. The trackbar is visible. |
false |
The trackbar is not visible. |
The trackbar is a slider control that indicates the progress of the clip currently playing. Users can seek to any position in the clip by dragging the progress indicator on the trackbar.
The trackbar is displayed only if the control bar is visible (that is, when the value of the ShowControls property is true).
Important This property specifies the visibility of the trackbar. The EnableTracker property determines whether the trackbar is active or disabled. |
StreamCount |
This property retrieves the number of media streams in the current clip. |
TransparentAtStart |
This property specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether the Windows Media Player control is transparent before play begins and after play ends.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Boolean containing one of the following values.
Value |
Description |
true |
The control is transparent. |
false |
Default. The control is not transparent. |
If you set this property to true in Microsoft Visual Basic??, you should set the ClipControls property on the parent object to false. Otherwise, the background does not repaint. |
VideoBorder3D |
This property specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether the three-dimensional video border effect is enabled.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Boolean containing one of the following values.
Value |
Description |
true |
The 3-D border is enabled. |
false |
Default. The 3-D border is disabled. |
The 3-D video border is 1 pixel wide. It is drawn around the video display panel and the video border, if one is present. |
VideoBorderColor |
This property specifies or retrieves the color of the video border.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write OLE_COLOR value. The default video border color is black.
The Windows Media Player control draws a video border around the video display panel in the color specified by this property and with a width specified by the VideoBorderWidth property. |
VideoBorderWidth |
This property specifies or retrieves the width of the video border, in pixels.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Long with a default value of zero.
The Windows Media Player control draws a video border around the video display panel with a width specified by this property and in the color specified by the VideoBorderColor property.
The default value of zero indicates that Windows Media Player does not display any video border. |
Volume |
volume, in hundredths of decibels.
Possible Values
This property is a read/write Long ranging from ?10,000 to zero. It has a default value of -600.
Zero specifies full volume and ?10,000 specifies no volume.
Not all devices support 10,000 discrete steps of volume.
If no value is specified for this property, it defaults to the last volume setting established for the Windows Media Player control. |