# Set the following variables to achieve a "silent" install (no GUI).
# To execute the installer in silent mode:
# Unix: sh ./hpas_install.bin -f <Path to hpas_install.properties>
# Windows: hpas_install.exe -f <Path to hpas_install.properties>
# NOTE: If hpas_install.properties resides in the same directory as the installer,
# and is named the same as the installer (i.e. hpas_install.properties and
# hpas_install.bin), the properties file will be read automatically, so
# there is no need to specify the "-f <Path to hpas_install.properties>".
# The "-f" option is only necessary if the properties file resides in a
# separate directory, or if you rename the file to something other than
# the name of the installer.
# To execute the uninstaller in silent mode:
# Unix: <installation directory>/UninstallerData/hpas_uninstall -i silent
# Windows: <installation directory>\UninstallerData\hpas_uninstall.exe -i silent
# NOTE: The Windows silent uninstall is unsupported and only partially silent. A GUI is required
# for the Orbix uninstall.
# Unix uninstall is fully supported in silent mode.
# Registration code may be obtained from
http://www.bluestone.com/RegisterHPAS. Do not quote the value.
# Set USER_INSTALL_DIR to the installation directory (no quotes). On Windows, you must
# escape backslashes (\\).
# Windows Example:
# USER_INSTALL_DIR=c:\\hpmw\\hpas
# Set CHOSEN_INSTALL_SET to "Full" or "Minimal" (without the quotes) for the type of install desired.
# Full includes HP Application Server, Documentation, and Trail Maps. Minimal includes only HP Application Server.
# Set JDK_DIR to the path to your JDK 1.3 root directory (no quotes). On Windows, you must
# escape backslashes (\\).
JDK_DIR=<Path to your JDK 1.3 root directory>
# Your JDK 1.3 bin directory must be in your path in order for HP Application Server to function correctly.
# Set MODIFY_PATH="Yes" (quotes required) if you want the installer to prepend <JAVA_HOME>/bin to your path.
# This change will only affect the current user's environment (on Unix, the current user's .profile;
# on Windows, as a user environment variable). Set to "No" for Linux.
# Otherwise, set MODIFY_PATH="No".
# The HP_HOME environment variable must be set to USER_INSTALL_DIR in order for the Load Balance Broker to
# function correctly.
# Set MODIFY_HP_HOME="Yes" (quotes required) if you want the installer to set HP_HOME
# (on Unix, in the current user's .profile; on Windows, as a system environment variable). Set to "No" for Linux.
# If HP_HOME is currently set on your system and you choose "Yes", the value of HP_HOME will be overwritten.
# Otherwise, set MODIFY_HP_HOME="No".
# Set DAL_SERVICE="Yes" (quotes required) to install the DAL as a service on Windows.
# Otherwise, set DAL_SERVICE="No".
# Set MGMT_USER to the user name (quotes required) that you want to use to secure the
# HP-AS Management functionality.
# Set MGMT_PWD to the password for MGMT_USER (quotes required).
# Set INSTALL_ORBIX="Yes" (quotes required) to install Orbix2000 1.2.1 Java Developer Kit.
# If you have a previous version of Orbix installed, this installation may interfere with that version.
# The following environment variables will be set (on Unix, in the current user's .profile; on Windows, as
# user environment variables):
# IT_LICENSE_FILE=<USER_INSTALL_DIR>/orbix/etc/licenses.txt
# IT_DOMAIN_NAME=localhost
# IT_CONFIG_DOMAINS=<USER_INSTALL_DIR>/orbix/orbix_art/1.2/localhost
# PATH will have the Orbix installation directory appended to it (<USER_INSTALL_DIR>/orbix).
# Otherwise, set INSTALL_ORBIX="No"
# Do not modify the following variables